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AQUILA 37C 古典吉他套弦
商品網址: https://tw.partner.buy.yahoo.com:443/gd/buy?mcode=MV9IbmtPMmN1ZTEzL2xEUlIwRWF3czdvWlpCYkNReFZWU0x2UGFiWll6QVpZPQ==&url=https://tw.buy.yahoo.com/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=3167412
- 手感聲音都十分滑順輕柔好聽
- BIONYLON 百分之67-70?環保材質
- 可以有效減少50?碳排放量
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PERLA strings - Traditional set presenting high overall levels of performance.The treble strings are made of BionylonR, the new eco-friendly synthetic material. These strings are made of rounded, smooth BionylonR monofilaments - a new material that boasts excellent acoustic and mechanical properties. BionylonR is, for its 67-70? a plant’s derivate (castor oil); this allows a reduction of the 50?f carbon dioxide’s emissions in the atmosphere during the polymer-synthesis than the other common Nylons employed for musical strings. The basses, overspun with silver-plated copper, consist of a core of NEW NYLGUT multfilament that ensures not only a high resistance to tensile stress but also a low absorption of both atmospheric humidity and sweat. This makes for rapid and stable intonation, as well as greater durability. Suitable for the highest quality guitars. |
The new synthetic material New NylgutR ('synthetic gut') has the same acoustic properties as gut - but without its typical defects - (high cost, limited duration and high instability under varying climatic). Nylgut has precisely these qualities: allowing one, on the one hand, to rediscover the sonorities familiar to the great 19th and 20th century masters; and guaranteeing, on the other, a stability of tuning higher even than that of the best gut and nylon strings. |
?Normal Tension
?Trebles: BionylonR
?Basses: New NYLGUT multifilament core/ Silver-plated wound
AQUILA 37C 古典吉他套弦
商品網址: https://tw.partner.buy.yahoo.com:443/gd/buy?mcode=MV9IbmtPMmN1ZTEzL2xEUlIwRWF3czdvWlpCYkNReFZWU0x2UGFiWll6QVpZPQ==&url=https://tw.buy.yahoo.com/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=3167412